tar cvf - . | gzip -c -1 | ssh user@host cat ">" remotefile.gz
ssh target_address cat <localfile ">"remotefile
ssh target_address cat <localfile - ">"remotefile
cat localfile | ssh target_address cat ">"remotefile
cat localfile | ssh target_address cat - ">"remotefile
dd if=localfile | ssh target_address ddof=remotefile
ssh target_address cat <localfile "|" ddof=remotefile
ssh target_address cat - <localfile "|" ddof=remotefile
( cd SOURCEDIR && tar cf - . ) | sshtarget_address "(cd DESTDIR && tar xvpf -)"
( cd SOURCEDIR && tar cvf - . ) | sshtarget_address "(cd DESTDIR && cat - >remotefile.tar )"
( cd SOURCEDIR && tar czvf - . ) | sshtarget_address "(cd DESTDIR && cat - >remotefile.tgz )"
( cd SOURCEDIR && tar cvf - . | gzip -1 -) |ssh target_address "(cd DESTDIR && cat - >remotefile.tgz )"
ssh target_address "( nc -l -p 9210 >remotefile & )" && cat source-file | gzip -1 - | nctarget_address 9210
cat localfile | gzip -1 - | ssh target_addresscat ">" remotefile.gz
gunzip >localfile
the files:
- remotefile
Push: Push local file to remote server.
Pull: Pull remote file from remote server to local machine.
Of course there is always ftp, scp2, nfs, smb and other methods as well.
The above methods make a great Ghost replacement.
One can boot a system using standalone linux on a floppy, such as tomsrtbt
and can then proceed to:
- backup the local hard drive to a remote server or
- download an image from the remote server and place it on the local
hard drive.
RSH works just the same as SSH I'm sure, it's jut that ssh or ssh should
give you better security.
Note: Compressing and then transferring data is faster than transferring
uncompressed data. Use compression before sending data over the wire to
achieve faster data transfer speeds.
localfile and remotefile can be files, directories, images, hard drive
partitions, or hard drives.
Moving files around on local filesystem:
- ( cd SOURCEDIR && tar cf - . ) | (cd
DESTDIR && tar xvpf - )
- ftp> get file.gif "| xv -"
- ftp> get README "| more"
- ftp> put "| tar cvf - ." myfile.tar
- ftp> put "| tar cvf - . | gzip "
- ftp> get myfile.tar "| tar xvf -"
Pipes and Redirects:
- zcat Fig.ps.Z | gv -
- gunzip -c Fig.ps.gz | gv -
- tar xvf mydir.tar
- tar xvf - < mydir.tar
- cat mydir.tar | tar xvf -
- tar cvf mydir.tar .
- tar cvf - . > mydir.tar
- tar cf - . | (cd ~/newdir; tar xf -)
- gunzip -c foo.gz > bar
- cat foo.gz | gunzip > bar
- zcat foo.gz > bar
- gzip -c foo > bar.gz
- cat foo | gzip > bar.gz
- cat foo | gzip > bar.gz
Explanation of &&, ||, and -
&& is shorthand for "if true then do"
|| is shorthand for "if false then do"
These can be used separately or together as needed. The following examples
will attempt
to change directory to "/tmp/mydir"; you will get different results based on
"/tmp/mydir" exists or not.
cd /tmp/mydir && echo was able to change directory
cd /tmp/mydir || echo was not able to change directory
cd /tmp/mydir && echo was able to change directory || echo was not able to
change to directory
cd /tmp/mydir && echo success || echo failure
cd /tmp/mydir && echo success || { echo failure; exit; }
The dash "-" is used to reference either standard input or
standard output. The context in which the dash is used is what determines
whether it references standard input or standard output.
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