Now rails 3.2 higher version, by default suggest unicorn as the app server.Also github has moved to decided to go with unicorn.
Getting started
Install the gem unicornIt’s simple to run Unicorn with a bunch of workers and send it commands just like you would in production.
First, create a basic config/unicorn.rb.
#Unicorn minimal configuration worker_processes 2 preload_app true timeout 30 listen 2007 pid "tmp/pids/" stderr_path "log/unicorn.stderr.log" stdout_path "log/unicorn.stdout.log" after_fork do |server, worker| ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection endHere i go with my minimal configuration as my app was in development mode.
Check the docs, or the official example, or the Github sample.
Now start your Unicorn server with config file as
unicorn_rails -c config/unicorn.rb -D.
Finally our app runs with unicorn server at port 2007
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